
Harmony 21 toon boom
Harmony 21 toon boom

Many will cite the learning curve associated with Harmony, but we encourage you to pay them no heed. Just pick your poison and you're off to the races. It's an end-to-end animation system capable of both cut-out animation and paperless animation. Toon Boom Harmony is one of the most enjoyable experiences that a digital animator can partake in professionally. This walkthrough covers the bare necessities required to get started with Harmony 20 in the most rudimentary sense. I can select my drawing with the select tool, move it, stretch it, I can also use the contour editor no problem, but I can't toggle show strokes, and I can't use the paint bucket.In the world of digital animation, the industry standard is Toon Boom Harmony. Mind you all the other tools seem to work. once again I can't see any strokes on the second half of the animation. Then I went to check it again and I opened it, and noticed I had made a mistake on some of the last frames. So I finished painting, closed the program. In practice this mean my problem was fixed cause I had already painted the first half. It actually had reversed: Now the second half of the frames showed strokes and allowed me to use the paint bucket, but the first half didn't. Then I came back hours later and the problem was "fixed". I got frustrated and stopped working, but left toon boom open.

harmony 21 toon boom

So this meant I pretty much had to do half the cleanup all over again. If I drew more lines with the pencil tool on that frame, I could see those strokes, but still I couldn't see the strokes I had made before. I checked and yes, they were all on the same layer I was working on. The show strokes button wouldn't work on them, nor on any of the following frames, but it still worked on all of the previous frames. I mean, I could see my drawings, but it was like if toon boom just ignored them. I was painting using the paint bucket, everything was going smooth for about the first half of the animation, and then, I go one frame forward and suddenly I can't "show strokes" anymore, and the bucket did nothing. Earlier it got randomly fixed but now its buggy again, and I don't know how to solve it. I have been running into what seems to me to be a bug.

harmony 21 toon boom

I didn't even know how to change that, I didn't have that tool visible. I had accidentally drawn half the frames with line art as current layer, and half as colour art as current layer.

Harmony 21 toon boom